These online resources are especially helpful to those seeking challenging activities and resources for working with high ability students. This page will be updated regularly. If you find other sites you would like added to this listing, please send an email listing the URL and describing the site.
Please take time to read Rocket Science of Raising Gifted Kids (2018) by Christine Turo-Shields of the Kenosis Center. Christine is a parent of gifted children who attended Perry Schools. She is an expert in high ability personally and professionally.
National Association for Gifted Children
Indiana Association for the Gifted
The Center for Talent and Instruction
Central Indiana Mensa Kids & Teens
Mensa International
Purdue Space Day
Kenosis Counseling Center
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
In Kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grade, our students take an ability measure as a part of our universal screener for the high ability program. Once the testing is completed, those scores are in Skyward under Test Scores. We use the percentile score to determine qualification for our high ability program. The criteria for the program is a 96th percentile or above. Below is a description of what the scores mean:
SAS=Standard Age Score (the average range is 85-115)
LPR=Local Percentile Rank (the average range is 25-75th percentile)
Verbal = is a composite of verbal reasoning ability tests. It is linked to reading in particular in the classroom.
Quantitative=is a composite of the application of math skills.
Nonverbal = is a composite of tests that rely less on language. It consists of things like patterns, sequencing, and problem solving.
An identification meeting is held in April for kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grade in which identification decisions are made for the high ability program. Parents of qualified students will receive a ParentSquare message by the end of May telling them the area in which their student qualified. Score reports are not sent home, but if you would like a print out of your student’s testing scores, please email me at
Northwestern University’s Midwest Academic Talent Search
NUMATS is research-validated program that utilizes above grade-level testing to help you understand the educational needs of your child. Students qualify if they are in grades 3 through 9 and qualify for their school’s gifted program, receive a parent or teacher recommendation, meet grade level assessment criteria on a nationally normed or state achievement test, or participated previously in NUMATS.