Pick-up & Drop-off
Morning Supervision and Car Rider Line
- Due to limited supervision and daily preparations, students MAY NOT enter the building until 9:00 am, and must remain in their car until a staff member comes outside to signal that it is time to enter.
- If you are unable to wait in the car rider line due to other obligations, please contact the Baxter YMCA for before care registration or have your student ride the bus.
- The morning car rider line will have three open lanes. Use all three lanes and as they converge to 1 lane, take the “Crew Carwash” approach of taking turns. Please be respectful.
Afternoon Car Rider Pickup
Each family will be issued a car number for 2023-2024 school year. That number should be placed in the front passenger side of the windshield. Car numbers will be distributed in the following way:
- Families must come into the office and register for a number. You must show ID to receive a number.
- You must be on the student’s Skyward account to receive a number.
- Families will be given three numbers to share with additional family members.
- If you are unable to come in before the 1st day of school, PLEASE plan to park in the DM parking lot after school and come in to register for your number.
- You will NOT be permitted to walk with student across lanes of traffic during the loading/unloading of car riders. You will have to wait until lines are completed.
Contact the office for additional information or if you have any questions.