Attendance Line: 317-789-4402
If your student is absent or needs early release for an appointment, please leave the student’s:
- Last name – with spelling
- First name – with spelling
- Date of birth
- Grade
- Student ID#, if known
- Your name and relation to student
- Your phone number
- Reason for absence or early release
For appointments please also leave:
- Time for pick up
- And type of appointment
All appointment(s):
- Calls must be received by 9:30 am
- Will be marked as unexcused until doctor’s note, or documentation of appointment, is turned in to the attendance office
- Please do not make multiple calls because this could cause delays. Attendance messages are checked as frequently as possible.
Early Release – Due to conflict with busses, NO students will be released:
- After 1:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday
- After 1:00 pm on Wednesday
If your student is sick:
- They must report to the Clinic and be evaluated by the nurse who will determine whether your student should be sent home or return to class.
Thank you.