Glenns Valley has many opportunities for our students. If you have questions about any of our before and after school clubs, please contact the sponsor directly.

Art Club is for 4th and 5th grade students. Art club meets once a week and We will participate in a variety of art contests and create unique projects for the Perry Township Art Show. Mrs. Rissel sponsors this club.

Choir includes 4th and 5th grade students under the direction of Mrs. Guptill.

Wake Up Club sponsored by Mrs. Craig and Ms. Mellendorf

Spell Bowl is for 4th and 5th grade students and our GV coach is Mrs. Cox Spell Bowl takes place in the fall and tryouts are at the start of the school year. Spell Bowl meets on Thursday mornings before school and they have two competitions in November.

Student Council is formed late fall for our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. Mrs. White and Mrs. Stapp are the GV Student Council leaders.

Math Bowl tryouts are held in December and competitions are in the spring. Ms. Lentz is coach.

Intramurals is a recreational sports club sponsored by Ms. Lentz. Each sport has 4 rounds with 6 sessions.

Robotics Club is a team open for 4th and 5th grade students, lead by Mrs. Day.  Students try out for the team. Team members build a robot and take the robot to various competitions in Perry Township. Robotics meets on Wednesdays afterschool.