The safety of all students is a HIGH priority! Therefore, we ask that you observe our guidelines for car rider pick-up and drop-off.


Please make sure all students are here on time (when healthy) every day. Students are not to be dropped off at school before 8:50 A.M. unless they are in the YMCA before school program. If you need to drop your child off before 8:50, please contact the Baxter Y regarding Before School Care. Students arriving after 9:10 will be tardy.


All cars must use the Southport Road entrance when dropping off students in the morning and picking up students at the end of the day. This is the ONLY entrance that will be open to cars with students at Homecroft Elementary. We would ask that you arrive for pickup between 3:50 and 3:55 (3:25-3:35 on Wednesdays). We will signal for you to turn off your engine — for student safety — before we release students to or from your car. We will dismiss cars behind the Kindergarten Academy and out to Tulip Dr.

Car Rider Procedures Video