E-Learning Information
Homecroft Elementary’s school-wide schedule in case of inclement weather.
Students will have their individual schedules attached to the top of their Chromebooks. This schedule will tell them which Google Meet to go to, at what time, and how to connect to that meet. Students that receive additional support such as Special Education, English Language Learners, or Social Skills will have those times listed as well. Each student will receive 90 minutes of Math and Reading instruction during E-Learning. Each student also has the option for additional help during Homework Support. This is an optional time and only needed if students need extra help.
Also listed are Specials classes (Art, Music, PE, Computer, Library). Students will go to the class that they would normally have on that day and the homeroom teacher will remind them. Teachers will monitor their Email and ParentSquare during the school day.
Student sample schedule that is on their Chromebooks is pictured below.