Digital Citizenship
Be Internet Awesome
Google’s digital citizenship program for “helping kids be safe, confident explorers of the online world.” Includes games for kids as well as resources for teachers and parents.
Grades 3-8
Digital Compass
A collection of fun choose your own adventure style interactive stories addressing teen life in the digital age. Allows students to explore a wide variety of choices and their consequences in a risk-free setting.
Grades 6-12
How Computer Technology Works
Common Craft
A collection of brief videos that simply explain technology concepts such as blogs, cloud computing, podcasting, and RSS.
Grades K-12
Maker Education
“A safe online community for kids to discover new passions, level up their skills, and meet fearless geeks just like them.”
Grades 2-8
“Learn how to make anything with Instructables. Easy to follow step-by-step instructions, online classes, and a vibrant maker community.”
Grades 4-12
A “thriving design community for discovering, making, and sharing 3D printable things.” Choose from among nearly a million designs available for download, or join the community and contribute your own original designs.
Grades 4-12
Media Literacy
Media Smarts
Information for students, parents, and teachers about meida issues such as body image, gender representation, diversity in media, intellectual property, marketing and consumerism, and violence. This site also has resources on Digital Citizenship.
Grades 4-12 (most content is 7-12, but there are great videos for younger students.)
Newseum Ed
“Free learning tools on media literacy and our First Amendment freedoms” from the Newseum in Washington DC. Includes infographics, activities, primary sources, and even full units for teachers and students. Anyone age 13+ can create a free account to access copyrighted material, but much of the content is accessible without logging in.
Grades 7-12