- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling – Counselors lead small group sessions to assist students in specific academic skills. Topics vary year to year based on need.
- Classroom Lessons – Counselors and teachers deliver classroom lessons throughout the year to assist students in developing academic skills. Topics vary year to year based on need.
- MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Team – Teachers meet with administration, school counselors, school psychologist and school interventionist to discuss student concerns. Ideas for interventions to be implemented are shared to support student growth.
- Road Blocks – Students have Road Blocks pages in their student agendas. Teachers can track responsibility behaviors that may be causing problems in the classroom. When the third Road Block is documented, a student is referred to the counselor for a Road Block Check-in and follows up on short term goals to solve this problem. ROAD BLOCK CHECK IN
- 5th Grade Visits – All incoming students visit the Academy for basic information and a tour of the school.
- Attendance Incentive by Class – Classes are rewarded with the attendance trophy and recognition for outstanding attendance each week.
- Library Nook Set Up – A special area will be developed in our school library that highlights books available for students to check out in the areas of personal, social and academic development.
- Spring Parent Orientation – Parents are invited to the building the spring before their child starts at the Academy to learn about our structure, policies and scheduling process.
- Google Calendar Training – School Wide – Many students are trained by their teachers on how to effectively use their student agenda during the first few days of school.
- Parent Meetings
- Teacher Consultation