• If you will be dropping off your student in the morning, the doors will open starting at 7:30 am.  Any students dropped off between 7:30 am and 7:55 am will report to the gym and wait to go to class until the bell rings at 7:55 am.  All students dropped off before 7:30 am will be unsupervised.
  • When dropping off your student please pull as far forward as possible (even if that takes you past the doors) so that traffic does not back up onto Meridian Street.  Also, please do not park in the traffic lanes.  If you will be waiting with your student until the doors open please do so in a parking spot.
  • If you have students at both the Academy and Middle School you can drop all off at one building and the students can then walk to their appropriate building.
  • When dropping off students in the morning you must enter and exit the PMA parking lot using Meridian Street.  For the safety of all, please observe the posted No Left Turn sign.  It is enforced by Township Security.


  • All car-riders must report to the gymnasium at dismissal.
  • The line for car-ride pick up begins at the gate.  The line continues behind the middle school.  When entering the parking lot off Meridian you will go right and follow the road to the parking lot on the right.  There you will turn around to get in line.
  • Any student walking home must have a signed walker’s permit on file with the office.  They will be released to walk home when their group is dismissed from the classroom for buses.

The School Bus Lot is off limits to traffic and parking from 7:00am to 3:30pm daily.