Amplify ELA is a blended English language arts curriculum designed specifically for grades 6–8. With Amplify ELA, students learn to tackle any complex text and make observations, grapple with interesting ideas, and find relevance for themselves.

Built specifically for middle school, Amplify ELA is an interactive core curriculum that brings complex texts to life. Amplify ELA inspires students to read more deeply, write more vividly, and think more critically.

With text always at the center, students are encouraged to make meaning for themselves. They develop ideas and opinions on real-world, relevant texts, instead of focusing on right or wrong answers.

Multiple entry points and differentiated supports allow every student, regardless of fluency or ability level, to engage deeply with the same complex texts and rigorous curriculum.



Prepare your students for an increasingly global future as you share The HMH Experience.

  • Immerse students in real-life experiences with an addition of Civics
  • Accessible, scaffolded content to support geographic discovery for every student
  • Active learning for active students with more than 200 Interactive Whiteboard lessons