Perry Township Schools Child Nutrition Department is committed to providing a variety of nutritious meals at the lowest possible cost to students, parents, and taxpayers. Because nutrition plays a vital role in helping students stay focused and energized throughout the day, we strive to provide quality options to aid our students’ readiness to learn. Breakfast and lunch are served daily for free to all students.

Elementary Student Breakfast: Free
Secondary Student Breakfast: Free
Extra Milk: $0.50
Guest Child Breakfast: $1.50
Guest Adult Breakfast: $2.85

Elementary Student Lunch: Free
Secondary Student Lunch: Free
Extra Milk: $0.50
Guest Child Lunch: $2.70
Guest Adult Lunch: $5.00*

*Child Nutrition Programs receive federal and state financial assistance for student meals only. Reimbursement is not received for adult meals; therefore, adult meal prices are required to cover the entire expense of a meal. Adults may purchase a meal containing all five components for $5.00 or purchase items individually at the a la carte rate per item.

Although meals and textbooks are free this year, we highly encourage families to still fill out the application on Skyward. Completing this application ensures the district receives all eligible funding to support students. Families who feel they qualify based on the income eligibility chart below should apply.

Applications will open on July 24, 2023. Please fill out an application before September 1. For the most rapid processing of your assistance application, please apply on Skyward.



Household Size Yearly Monthly Weekly
1 $26,973 $2,248 $519
2 $36,482 $3,041 $702
3 $45,991 $3,833 $885
4 $55,500 $4,625 $1,068
5 $65,009 $5,418 $1,251
6 $74,518 $6,210 $1,434
7 $84,027 $7,003 $1,616
8 $95,536 $7,795 $1,799
Each Additional Person +$9,509 +$793 +$183

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