Title I
Title I is the oldest and largest federally funded program in our nation’s schools that offers support to academically struggling students. Each district uses its Title I funds to supplement the other funds provided to schools.
In keeping with Perry Township Schools’ commitment to early intervention and helping all students to be skilled readers, our Title I program focuses on elementary schools. Currently Perry Township Schools funds programming that supports literacy and math instruction for our most academically at-risk students at the following sites:
- Abraham Lincoln Elementary
- Clinton Young Elementary
- Homecroft Elementary
- Mary Bryan Elementary
- Southport Elementary
- Winchester Village Elementary
- William Henry Burkhart Elementary
- Southport 6th Grade Academy
- Southport Middle School
The federal government provides Title I funding to states each year. Each state must submit a plan describing:
- what all children are expected to know and be able to do
- the high-quality standards of performance that all children are expected to meet
- ways to measure progress.
Title I funding in these schools can provide for intensive reading and math support for those students in need, additional tutoring for students which may occur outside the school day, additional materials for students and teachers to use in the classroom, opportunities for parent education and workshops, and other school resources. Each school builds its own program based on student needs and implements those opportunities appropriate to meeting those designated needs.
All Perry Township Schools receiving Title I funding are labeled as Title I school-wide programs. This allows for the Title I funding to support all of the students in need at those schools.
Parents and families influence their child’s education more than any teachers or school. Families involved at school and giving support at home can boost their child’s achievement. The Title I Parent-School Compact states the goals and responsibilities of both parents and schools. The Parental Involvement Policy helps parents understand and take part in the school’s efforts. Your Title I program needs your help to:
- Determine school program goals.
- Plan and carry out programs.
- Evaluate programs.
- Work with your child at home.