This content is offered every school year to our 4th and 5th grade students to introduce them to changes in the body associated with puberty and the physiology of the human reproductive system. Click on the links below to preview the curriculum. Your child will bring home written notification from school before this is presented to give you the opportunity to preview content and decide if it’s appropriate for your child. If you do NOT want your child to participate in this discussion, please sign and return the notification letter or send a note to school. Any questions should be directed to your school’s administration.

4th Grade

Presentation for Girls (video included)*

*Link to video in girls presentation doesn’t work. Preview video here:

Presentation for Boys (video included)*

*Link to video in boys presentation doesn’t work. Preview video here:

Charades Topics

Letter to a Trusted Adult

5th Grade

Guide to Girls’ Content

Guide to Boys’ Content