Facilities supervises all new construction, upgrades, and repairs to all buildings owned by Perry Township Schools. This includes everything you would expect and probably a few you wouldn’t think about. So, just to name a few of our responsibilities:

  • Boiler Repairs (Joe Staley)
  • Custodial Deliveries (Kevin Richards)
  • Electrical Repairs/Fire Alarms (Chris Bass)
  • Holder Field Grounds (Brandon Worley)
  • HVAC Environmental Systems (Matt Hurst)
  • General Maintenance/Appliance Repair (David Hayden)
  • Groundsman (Charlie Schott)
  • Plumbing (Kirk Driskell)
  • Plumbing Repairs/General Carpentry (Zach Games)
  • Roof Leaks (Nick Hacker)
  • Window & Door Repairs/Key & Locks (David Curry)
  • FOBs, Perimeter (Burglar) Alarms, Video Surveillance Cameras (Randy Middleton)
  • Air Quality Coordinator (Kirby Schott)

Submit a Work Order

All repairs should be entered via the work order system. Anything that is to be attached to the property or structures must be approved by this department.

Work Order

Any concerns regarding indoor air quality at any Perry Township Schools should be directed to our Air Quality Control Coordinator, Mr. Kirby Schott at 317-789-6211, kschott@perryschools.org 6548 Orinoco Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227.

HVAC Maintenance 

  • Perry Township Schools will change filters in April and October of each school year.
  • At locations of construction, the filters will be inspected on a monthly basis and replaced if needed.
  • Coils will be cleaned in July.
  • Boilers will be inspected annually.
  • Chillers will be inspected annually.
  • Cooling towers will be inspected annually.
  • Written documentation of inspections and filter changes will be kept in the Assistant Director of Maintenance’s office for a three-year period.

  • Furred, feathered, and reptilian animals are only allowed in classrooms for educational purposes.
  • Fish in an aquarium are exempt from educational requirements.
  • Service animals are exempt.
  • No live animal will be allowed to be in the classroom longer than a school year.
  • The teacher will be responsible for cleaning the cage/area.
  • If allergies occur due to an animal being in the classroom the school will work with the parent/guardian and teacher to resolve the issue. If necessary, custodial staff will assist the teacher in cleaning all surfaces in the classroom to remove any animal dander that may be causing an allergic reaction.
  • The Principal, when requested by a teacher, has the authority to determine if it is appropriate to bring an animal into the classroom

This policy applies to all chemicals purchased for use in child-occupied school buildings.

The purpose of this policy is to reduce student and staff exposure to chemical hazards from chemicals used or kept in the school building.

Each year, school corporation personnel as assigned by the Superintendent or designee shall conduct a corporation-wide chemical inventory. During the inventory, expired and unwanted chemicals are to be identified for proper disposal through “TOX-DROP” associated with the Department of Public Works, Office of Environmental Services. Contact with the previously mentioned association will occur through the Perry Township Schools Grounds Department at 317-780-4333.

Chemical purchasing shall adhere to the following protocol.

  1. Schools have identified the following procedures and guidelines for purchasing chemicals in an effort to minimize student and staff exposure to hazardous chemicals:
    1.  The Science Department chairperson is responsible for the purchase of chemicals used in experiments that are approved for experiments through NIOSH/OSHA.
    2. b. The director of Custodial will purchase all cleaning chemicals and distribute them to schools.
    3. Have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on site and with the Assistant Director of Custodial
    4.  Donated items such as hand sanitizers and any products employees want to bring into the school must be approved by the Principal.
  2. The first in first out method will be followed.
  3. The least toxic chemical that is still effective for the job is to be selected. MSDS sheets will be reviewed to make this determination. Micro and green chemistry are encouraged.
  4. Chemicals listed on the Banned Chemical List shall not be purchased.
  5. Chemicals will be mixed and used according to the manufacturer’s directions. Measuring devices or direct mixing systems are to be used. Any warnings, especially requirements for ventilation, are to be followed.
  6. When possible, the use of cleaning products should be performed when students are not present.
  7. Areas where chemicals are being used will be properly ventilated, including classrooms and laboratories.
  8. Only properly trained staff may use hazardous chemicals. Staff will receive annual training and when required certification. (i.e. pesticide notifications)
  9. Secondary containers will not be used to store chemicals unless they are properly labeled and approved for such use
  10. Storage areas will be properly ventilated.
  11. Storage areas will be compatible with the chemicals being stored.
  12. Reactive chemicals will NOT be stored near each other.
  13. Hazardous chemicals will be stored in a locked area at ALL times.
  14. If an explosion, spill, or accident (including inhalation, ingestion, or direct contact) occurs, call 911 immediately. Inform the Principal of the emergency. Principal informs Superintendent Follow the emergency plan of Internal Building Emergencies in your Crisis Response Procedures flip chart.
  15. Call Indiana Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222

  1. Signs posted at School entrances stating “No Idle Zone” where busses and automobiles drop off students.
  2. Staff at schools involved in student drop-off “police” the areas. Automobiles that drop off and/or pick up students should shut off their engines if the student cannot enter or leave the vehicle immediately. For inclement weather, the guidelines for maximum engine idling allow 1) 32 degrees and above = 3 minutes, 2)0 degrees to 31 degrees = 10 minutes, and 3) below 0 degrees = no limit.
  3. Bus Idling requirements/limits are listed in the Policy and Procedure Manual for drivers. A copy is included.


Kirby Schott

David Gettinger
Assistant Director – Maintenance

Suzanne Bandy
Custodial Services Manager

Shane Jenkins
Grounds Supervisor

Tim Haynes
Energy Manager (Consultant)

Alexis Mapes
Facilities Office Specialist